VIDBOX All Product Vid VIDBOX AUDIO TRANSFER             


Audio Transfer Products 


VIDBOX specializes in developing and distributing consumer technology products for video & audio transfer. Our goal is to develop our products for the consumers by making them easy to use, designing the products and packaging so that it “says what it does, and does what it says”.

Cassette tapes can deteriorate over time, which leads to distortion and poor audio quality. Don't risk this happening to your home music collection! Instead, convert all of your music (including cassettes, LPs and 8-track tapes) into MP3s, WAV files, audio CDs and MP3 CDs.

With just a few clicks, convert your analog music into digital formats including MP3s and audio CDs.

Convert and enjoy your favorite music

Top Features

Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction

Improve audio quality by reducing unwanted noise or static. Undo the effects of time to make your old music sound better than ever.

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Built-in Normalizer

Automatically adjust your converted audio to a standard volume with the click of a button. This tool will ensure all your tracks are at the perfect level.

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Auto Track Split

Easily split your full album into individual tracks through automatic gap detection. Add album, artist and song titles to your MP3 files. Make a custom playlist or a mix CD using only your favorite tracks.

Portable Devices

Portable Devices

Listen to your digitized audio on portable devices including MP3 players, iPhones, iPads and Android devices. Never be away from your favorite tunes again.


Hardware Setup


Audio transfer solutions